K Saravanasundaram, Joint Managing Director, Roots Industries India shares the company’s clear strategy to enter newer segments such as mechatronics and solutions for the electric vehicle segment, while showing a keen interest in making a name in the European market. Sarada Vishnubhatla reports.

Roots Industries @ IAA Transportation 2022: We have been continuously adding more products for the truck segment. We have a wide customer base already in India, but we want to expand it further in Europe. We have a strong presence in the US. In addition to our flagship product which is horns, we have been adding a multitude of mechatronics products such as the USB chargers, DC to DC converters, and we are also getting into more of an electric vehicle segment with sub-systems and products. We are preparing for their release in the coming years. The purpose of participating in this show is to get an entry with new customers in Europe and that too in person. We believe that we can forge a strong relationship when you meet customers and not just by virtual communication. We are eager to share with them that we can offer multiple customization products besides our traditional range of solutions, which can work extremely well only when we understand the customer’s existing pain points, and what are the solutions they are looking for. We work with them in addition to our standard products, and that is how traditionally we have been developing new products and new solutions for our customers.
Latest @ Roots Industries: We have multiple mechatronics products and solutions readily available. We have made a breakthrough and are doing good business with a few strong customers, for example, in the forklift segment. There is one company which we have begun working with in recent times. We started with one product with them. Traditionally, our strategy is to follow up with a basket of products. The same way, here in Europe, we hope to interest new customers with any of our products displayed here which will naturally lead us to offer them our other products as well. Already, we are seeing a positive response in this segment.
Most of our accessory products are needed for the off-road automotive and construction segments even as we are working on the electric vehicle segment. EV solutions will be made more visible in the market in some time and these will be for the sub-systems and other infrastructure projects. Undoubtedly, these are in the future of not only India but also for the world.
In the Indian Context: Our business in India is good because of the diversification we have taken up and also because of the fact that we are continuously adding new products. This has helped us to grow our business despite the challenges that COVID had wreaked. It is solely because of our various positive strategies and diversification drive that we have come out successfully and the future is good for us.