Leading manufacturer of camshafts and tappets, SAC Engine Components, established in 1986, is quite upbeat about the present and emerging trends in the automotive industry. In this interview with N. Balasubramanian, the company’s Director (Operations) P. Subramanian elaborated about new products and growth plans
Focus at Auto Expo 2023
We were present at the trade fair particularly to meet our customers and to learn and gain insights about market conditions, market behaviour, future trends and movement of parts. Several people from different countries visited our stall. Such an expo is a good opportunity to know about new emerging markets and get an overview about what is happening across the world. The response was much more than expected, especially since the expo took place after a gap of three years.
Product Showcase
We showcased major products such as camshafts and tappets. Post the show we have been getting enquiries but we are mainly in the OEM business and therefore the expo is a place for all OEMs to benchmark the different products they see in this exhibition.
We are one of the largest manufacturers of camshafts in India. We make camshafts in chilled iron, chilled gray, ductile iron, steel bar and steel forge and also tappets using similar materials. The advantage that SAC Engine Components offers is shortest lead time of its kind in product development and production and we meet customer requirements and expectations in every case. We are a ‘first time right’ company in the products that we offer.

Market Outlook
Generally speaking, the outlook for the industries we serve is very good for 2023-24. These markets are growing both domestically and overseas also. We are very bullish and confident that 2023 is going to be a much better year than 2022. We did very well in 2022 too and believe that the current year will also be a prosperous year for us and also for the automotive industry.