SAF-HOLLAND sales & earnings growth in 2013 on expected lines

At SAF-HOLLAND, the globally active supplier to the truck and trailer industry, business development has progressed as expected SAF-Holland-pic-1following a weak start to 2013. In the third quarter of the year, group sales amounted to EUR 219.1 million (previous year: EUR 217.2 million), and in the period from January to September sales totalled EUR 654.7 million (previous year: EUR 657.5 million). Significant progress was made in particular with regard to earnings.

SAF-Holland-BorghardtDetlef-picSays Mr. Detlef Borghardt, CEO, SAF-HOLLAND: “Sales development over the course of the year and the current business outlook are in line with our planning for a generally positive sales and earnings development in 2013.”

In what continues to be a challenging European market, SAF-HOLLAND was able to further expand its position in the first nine months of the year. The European region was the main sales driver, contributing 51.7 per cent (previous year: 50.7 per cent) to Group sales. North America’s share of Group sales amounted to 40.2 per cent (previous year: 42.7 per cent). The regions outside the two core markets – primarily emerging markets such as the BRIC countries – increased their share of sales to 8.1 per cent (previous year: 6.6 per cent).

The business segment with the strongest sales in the first nine months of the year was once again Trailer Systems. This segment SAF-Holland-pic-2generated 57.0 per cent of Group sales (previous year: 55.0 per cent). The Powered Vehicle Systems segment contributed 16.8 per cent (previous year: 18.3 per cent) of total sales and the Aftermarket Business Unit added 26.2 per cent (previous year: 26.7 per cent).

Segment-wise analysis

SAF-Holland-pic-3The Trailer Systems Business unit increased its sales in the first nine months by EUR 11.6 million to EUR 373.1 million (previous year EUR 361.5 million). In addition to the already favorable business development in North America, volume also increased significantly in Europe in the third quarter. In order to improve the adjusted EBIT margin of the Business Unit to about 6 per cent by the end of 2015, initiatives have been introduced to increase sales and, at the same time, reduce costs. The integration of the production plant in the German city of Wörth into the existing plants at the Bessenbach location along with the outsourcing of the Logistics Service Center’s activities have been decided upon. Due to comprehensive agreements with IG Metall and the Works Council, the first steps in this process will be taken as early as the end of the year. The measures serve to support the mid-term targets of the entire SAF-HOLLAND Group.

The sales volume for the Powered Vehicle Systems Business unit in the first nine months of the year amounted to EUR 109.8 million (previous year: EUR 120.6 million). It should be taken into consideration that in the previous year, a demand backlog that arose in 2011 was worked off and thus a disproportionately strong first half of the year 2012 was recorded. In the third quarter, the Business Unit also continued its activities aimed at optimizing the European organization.

During the nine-month period, the Aftermarket Business unit achieved sales of EUR 171.8 million (previous year: EUR 175.4 million). SAF-Holland-pic-4The slight decrease as compared to the same period in the previous year period was due to structural effects. In addition, segment sales in the first half of 2012 increased as a result of working off an order backlog from financial year 2011. The selection process for a qualified supplier has also delayed the introduction of a new fifth wheel in the current year. Further, generally weaker demand in the North American spare parts market over the course of the first half of the year also played a role.

SAF-HOLLAND is well positioned to benefit from growth in the commercial vehicles markets in both its core markets of Europe and North America and in emerging markets. An important component of the company’s growth strategy is more intensive activities in emerging markets, especially the BRIC countries. These activities include the acquisition agreed in the third quarter of the Chinese Corpco Bejing Technology and Development Co., Ltd. (Corpco). The purchase of Corpco will strengthen the presence of SAF-HOLLAND in China and, at the same time, drive the opening of markets in other Asian countries.

Sales and adjusted EBIT target confirmed for 2013

Assuming that the general financial and economic environment does not take a turn for the worse, SAF-HOLLAND, on the basis of the first three quarters of the current financial year, continues to anticipate Group sales of between EUR 875 and EUR 900 million. The earnings goal for 2013 remained unchanged at an adjusted EBIT of at least EUR 60 million.

Mr. Wilfried Trepels, CFO, SAF-HOLLAND, says: “From today’s perspective, earnings in the current financial year will not be impacted by significant burdening effects such as the refinancing in 2012. Without these effects we can expect a significantly improved result for the period in financial year 2013.”

In the medium-term, the goal of SAF-HOLLAND continues to be the achievement of sales of EUR 1 billion and an adjusted EBIT margin of 10 per cent in financial year 2015.