For the year ended March 31, 2015, net sales of Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd. (SONA) increased by 3.23 per cent to Rs. 1,068.35 crores from Rs. 1,034.88 crores in the same period last year. Net profit after tax is at Rs. 17.97 crores (after considering additional depreciation of Rs. 20.46 crores in compliance with Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013) against Rs. 51.66 crores (including exceptional income on sale of investment Rs. 32.3 crores) during the same period last year. Excluding depreciation impact of the current year and exceptional income on sales of investment of the previous year, profit after tax has improved from Rs. 19.36 crores to Rs. 38.43 crores.

For the quarter ended March 31, 2015, net sales increased by 2.68 per cent to Rs. 289.56 crores from Rs. 281.99 crores during the same period last year. Profit after tax is at Rs. 10.88 crores (after considering additional depreciation of Rs 1.62 crores in compliance with Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013) against Rs. 10.57 crores during the same period last year.
With regard to consolidated FY-15 vs. FY-14, for the year ended March 31, 2015, net sales have increased by 3.95 per cent to Rs. 1,541.76 crores from Rs. 1,483.18 crores during the same period last year. Profit after tax, after minority interest and share of the associate, is Rs. 37.89 crores (after considering additional depreciation of Rs. 28.13 crores in compliance with Schedule II of Companies Act 2013) against Rs. 67.75 crores (including exceptional income on sale of investment of Rs. 32.3 crores) during the same period last year. Excluding the depreciation impact of the current year and exceptional income on sales of investment of the previous year, the current year profit after tax has improved from Rs. 35.45 crores to Rs. 66.02 crores.
For the quarter ended March 31, 2015, net sales have increased by 7.37 per cent to Rs. 417.25 crores from Rs. 388.60 crores during the same period last year. Profit after tax, after minority interest and share of the associate, is Rs. 18.61 crores (after considering additional depreciation of Rs. 2.41 crores in compliance with Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013) against Rs. 13.82 crores during the same period last year.