Spheros opens new dealer outlet in Hyderabad

Bus air-conditioning manufacturer Spheros has launched Bus Cool Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, with the aim of establishing an after-sales hub and maximizing market gains. This is accompanied by the development of an exclusive operations centre.


Economists have stated time and again that “if growth is to be attained, stretch the farthest possible in order to affirm your position”. Keeping this in mind and based on its previous experience, Spheros has successfully established another platform from which it can operate. This time it takes on the form of a ‘dealership’.

In view of the tremendous economic development across the globe, along with increasing market demand, it was vital for Spheros to expand the reach, affirm its dominant position and cater for market growth.

Bus Cool Pvt. Ltd. was inaugurated in a grand manner. This is the company-owned first exclusive dealer in the form of a bus air-conditioning sales and service provider in the burgeoning State of Andhra Pradesh. It is a form of association with a well-established framework featuring progressive technology and administrative facilities. The plant is ultramodern and conforms to high international and Spheros standards.

Inaugurated by Mr. Helmut Zanker, CEO of Spheros GmbH, it was a great occasion for the giants of the Indian market, ranging from pioneering bus manufacturers to transport authorities at the government level, to present themselves in large numbers.

Under the supervision of Spheros Motherson and Spheros Middle East, this accomplishment of the dynamic Middle East duo, Mr. Paul Hoffmann, Managing Director, Spheros Middle East, and Mr. Yazdani Qureshi, Market Area Director, Spheros Middle East, consolidates the company position with the establishment of a young and experienced team to assert its local presence, reaching across all parameters of product growth.

Operating from Hyderabad, Bus Cool Pvt. Ltd. will be performing all the duties of a regular dealer, while providing exclusive, round-the-clock after-sales service for the Spheros product line. It will also undertake extensive marketing strategies and perform promotional duties.

With this further expansion of the Spheros family, the company continues to grow with customer satisfaction as its motto. Bus Cool mainly targets the after-sales market.