Tata AutoComp Systems has undertaken a rebranding exercise to re-position itself as a complete solution provider. Referred to as Tata AutoComp Systems, the company has adopted a new brand-positioning statement “Enabling Mobility Solutions”.

Through this re-branding, Tata AutoComp Systems has reiterated its dedication to provide end-to-end mobility solutions to its customers in the current and emerging mobility industry.
The new brand tag-line: “Enabling Mobility Solutions” is a reflection of this commitment.
Tata AutoComp Systems has also launched its new and vibrant website under the URL: www.tataautocomp.com.
The website details solutions offered by Tata AutoComp Systems and its various facilities and capabilities.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Arvind Goel, MD & CEO, Tata AutoComp Systems, said: “Tata AutoComp Systems is poised for an accelerated growth. To enable this, while we have worked hard on our strategy, we also needed to rebrand ourselves to align our internal audience as well as the existing and potential customers with the new vision of the company so that the industry and each of the stakeholders perceive us the way we desire.”
Tata AutoComp Systems is a leading Tier-I supplier of automotive components. With strong ownership of technology, it wishes to position itself as ‘Enabling’ the auto industry. The word ‘Mobility’ covers the entire automotive industry. By ‘Solutions’, Tata AutoComp Systems is positioning itself as a complete solution provider. This will help the company to enhance its capability in the future which will be augmented with engineering and development capabilities.