Tata Motors’ customer engagement initiative for Auto Expo 2014

Tata Motors is gearing up for Auto Expo 2014 with the launch of Tata Motors CONNEXION Bands, the RFID-enabled bands which will take its customer engagement to the next level.
The company has also launched a microsite – connect.tatamotors.com, exclusively for Auto Expo 2014, which will be live until Tata-connexFebruary 12. The new interactive microsite will create a virtual outreach programme for those who visit the company stall at the show, as well as those who may wish to remotely participate in all its excitement.
Through connect.tatamotors.com and Tata Motors CONNEXION Bands, customers will have access to the world of Tata Motors at Auto Expo 2014.

With Tata Motors CONNEXION Band, the visitors can swipe and check in at the Tata Motors stall, participate in the contests hosted on the activity pods, collect points every time one participates, check points update through the master leader-board hosted on connect.tatamotors.com, and keep a track of points and increase the overall score, win exciting prizes, get clicked with their favourite Tata Motors vehicle and share updates online, and download information and images on the exciting line-up from product pods.
To avail of the CONNEXION band, customers can register on connect.tatamotors.com or visit the Tata Motors pavillion.

The new high-tech vehicles to be showcased at the expo represent the new Tata Motors. The company is equally focused on environment-friendly technologies in emissions and alternative fuels, and customers can witness the stunning range of alternate fuel technologies on display as well.