Tata Motors’ CV market share expands

Tata Motors has reported consolidated revenues (net of excise) of Rs. 43,403 crores for the quarter ended September 30, 2012, a growth of 19.9 per cent over Rs. 36,198 crores for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, on the back of strong demand, growth in volumes and favourable market mix at Jaguar Land Rover (JLR).

The consolidated profit before exceptional item and tax was Rs. 3,099 crores, posting a growth of 14.4 per cent over Rs. 2,709 crores for the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

The consolidated profit before tax was Rs. 3,089 crores, a growth of 36.1 per cent over Rs. 2,270 crores, while the consolidated profit (after tax and post minority interest and profit in respect of associate companies) was Rs. 2,075 crores, a growth of 10.5 per cent over Rs. 1,877 crores.

The consolidated revenue (net of excise) for the half year ended September 30, 2012, was Rs. 86,726 crores, a growth of 24.8 per cent over Rs. 69,486 crores for the corresponding period last year. The consolidated profit before tax was Rs. 6,271 crores (Rs. 4,616 crores), while the consolidated profit (after tax and post minority interest and profit in respect of associate companies) for the half year was Rs. 4,320 crores, up 11.4 per cent over Rs. 3,877 crores.

Growing CV market share

In the domestic market driven by the LCV segment, Tata Motors’ commercial vehicles sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2012, stood at 136,353 units, a growth of 4.8 per cent over the corresponding period last year. The company’s overall market share in commercial vehicles improved sequentially and stood at 59.7 per cent for the quarter. Passenger vehicles sales stood at 72,603 units, an increase of 11.6 per cent over the corresponding period last year, and the overall market share in passenger vehicles grew to 12.3 per cent for the quarter, driven mainly by the Compact and UV segments.