“There are enough infrastructure projects to sustain good demand for the next 5-8 years” – – Vasudevan R, Head – Global Sales, Wipro Infrastructure Engineering

CE industry – Outlook

“There is a definite slowdown now, but we feel it is temporary. Looking at the infrastructure needs of India, there is enough work for the next five to eight years, and these are not only the ongoing ones but also new ones. For example, Bharatmala project will take about five to six years to complete. Other projects such as metro building, expansion of the current airports, and building new ones are also there. There is no question of any long-term stillness in this market. We are sure in the next three to six months, the government will come up with measures which will increase the pace of work. Going by the promises by the concerned Minister, we feel they will have a set of measures in place by the budget time. So, post-budget is the period that one should look out for.”

EXCON Connect

“Showcasing new business lines besides new products is the key to us. We expect more connects post the show on the new business side. The industry connect also helps us to keep our networking going including the international participants. Another thing is we get to see products by suppliers from other countries too. This expands our scope to see new components or find new sources.”


“Wipro, of late, has diversified into other business opportunities, one of which is industrial automation. We provide complete turnkey solutions to automation needs of our customers. We look at the problem intensely and provide a holistic solution and take responsibility for complete integration too. It entails integration of the robots, control systems, welding units, and fixtures to deliver products with high levels of accuracy and productivity.

“We have launched a tilt sensor and a Bluetooth operation for tippers. Both these are related to the safety aspects of the tipping truck. Tilt sensor has already been introduced in the market with a couple of OEMs using them in the field for trials. It ensures that if the truck is standing on an uneven ground and has a tilt more than what is specified by the OE manufacturer, no tilting operation will take place. “Then the Bluetooth control allows the operator to stay far away from the truck and operate the tipping of the material using his smartphone. It is good in extremely dusty atmospheres and also from a safety perspective.

“Then in 3D printing solution, we offer complete design solutions and not just the printing facility. We study the existing product, and understand how the customer wants it changed. We bring in our engineering expertise to suggest the changes which will improve the solution say, in terms of weight as an example or reduction of manufacturing complexity. And we do all this completely in-house.”