UMI Conference and Expo during December 3-6

Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister for Urban Development and Parliament Affairs, will inaugurate the sixth edition of Urban Mobility India UrbanExpo-logo(UMI) Conference and Expo scheduled to be held in Delhi during December 3-6. Mr. Enrique Penalosa, ex-Mayor of Bogota, who is considered the father of BRT system, has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the event. Mr. Jeime Lerner, ex-Mayor of Curutiba, who is an international authority on urban transport, is also expected to join the conference.

The theme of the conference this year is “Transforming cities with Transportation”. There will be 10 technical sessions, 10 round-table discussions and two panel discussions. As in the previous years, a research symposium will be organized on the second and third day of the conference. Young scholars will get an opportunity to present their papers at the conference.

Well known names like Sunovatech (India), Power Electronics Allison Transgression, Lumiplan (India), Tata Motors and the Trapeze Group have already confirmed their participation in the event. Awards will be given by Mr. Kamal Nath to the Best Practice projects in urban transport which will be selected by a duly constituted Award Selection Committee.

The UMI Conference and Expo is an annual event organized by the Institute of Urban Transport (India) under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Urban Development. UMI is mandated by the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) of the Government, which lays strong emphasis on building capabilities at the State and city levels to address the problems associated with urban transport and undertakes the task of developing sustainable urban transport systems.

The objective of UMI is to bring together urban transport professionals and officials in the country as well as international experts to enable them to share their views and experiences. The conference is marked by interactions and discussions around case studies to assist cities in keeping themselves up to date with best urban transport practices and to carry home ideas to develop their urban transport on a sustainable path.