The 5th VDMA Management Meeting for Robotics & Automation was held at Gudel India on December 5 which was attended by 24 VDMA members in India from Robotic + Automation. Tata Technologies Ltd. were the guest speakers giving an insight into the importance of Automation for the Tata Group.

Ms. Anne Wendel, VDMA Robotic + Automation, Germany, and Ms. Jamly John, Regional Manager of VDMA India Office West, also responsible for VDMA Robotics + Automation in India, represented the meeting from VDMA. In India, there were 48 VDMA members present from this division through their subsidiaries, sales offices and representation.
Ms. Anne Wendel gave an insight into the statistics for Robotic + Automation developments in the world and particularly for India. According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) the German machine production saw a fall in production of 1.5 per cent, in price adjusted terms), in 2013. However, with a turnover of €206 billion, and an export share of 76 per cent, about 1 million employees, the mechanical engineering sector is one of the largest German industry groups.
The VDMA Robotics + Automation Association has more than 240 members, active in machine vision, integrated assembly solutions as well as robotics.
Source: International Federation of Robotics (IFR)
VDMA Members and Representatives of Tata Technologies Ltd. at Gudel India