Zylog Composites: Pioneering Innovation in Automotive Interiors

Zylog Composites, a leading manufacturer of automotive interiors, exteriors parts and components made of thermoplastics, has been making significant strides in the industry. At the recent Prawaas exhibition held in Bangalore, the company showcased its latest innovations and discussed its growth and sustainability initiatives.

The company specializes in producing high-quality thermoplastic components mainly based on olefins and styrenes for the automotive industry. Their products are integral to the interiors of modern vehicles, including the new Volvo sleeper bus, which features interiors supplied by Zylog. The company prides itself on its ability to design and manufacture locally, reducing reliance on imports from countries like China and Turkey.

New Product Launches

One of the highlights of Zylog’s exhibition at Prawaas was the introduction of their new hat rack. This product marks Zylog as the second company in India to manufacture such components, which continue to be imported.

“We design and manufacture them locally here,” said Aschak Damani, Managing Director, Zylog Composites, emphasizing the company’s commitment to localizing production and reducing dependency on foreign suppliers.

Business Growth

The financial year has been exceptionally busy for Zylog Composites. The company has experienced significant growth across EV 3 wheelers, earth moving equipment and bus segments. “We have been extremely busy this year and are on track to almost doubling our revenues” Damani noted. This growth is a testament to the company’s robust business strategy of disrupting the industry with a focus on technology and its ability to meet the increasing demands of the automotive industry.

Sustainability Initiatives

Zylog Composites is also at the forefront of sustainability in the automotive sector. The company is actively replacing thermoset plastics, which cannot be recycled, with thermoplastics. This initiative is part of their broader focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

“We are focused on converting thermosets to thermoplastics, including composites to mono-materials, with a focus on meeting application performance criteria, in the process enabling our customer’s goals on sustainability. As recycling matures in the country, at the end of the life of vehicle, you can crush, recycle these parts, make another part out of it”, he explained. This approach, which is a combination of design and material performance, not only reduces waste but also promotes the circular economy by enabling the recycling of materials at the end of their lifecycle.

Industry Impact and Future Prospects

Zylog’s participation in the Prawaas exhibition underscores its importance in the automotive industry. The company has expanded its booth size from nine square meters last year to a larger space this year, reflecting its growing presence and influence. “Prawaas, for us, is very important. We meet with various OEMs and bus body manufacturers. It is very encouraging to see customers discussing designs and upgrades for their buses, focused on promoting a better experience to the end users,” Damani shared. Zylog’scapabilities on marrying material, design and tooling brings strong interest from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and bus body manufacturers for their innovative products.