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April 2012
steps up customer service with
new management structure
RACE, a research & engineering
project consulting firm, focused on
medium & heavy commercial vehi-
cles, now has a new customer-cen-
tric management structure to offer
need-based solutions to customers.
The new structure presents six prod-
ucts, each providing specific solu-
tions to cater to customers’ needs.
The company functions on the
build-operate-maintain (BOM) con-
cept which has proved to be a suc-
cessful strategy for many companies
and investors in India. The three
main products on offer are Intellect,
Connect and Technic, while Trade,
Find and Enabler are the other serv-
RACE is currently working on a
project for the AB Group to develop
an ‘exclusive integrated service fa-
cility for medium and heavy com-
mercial vehicles for all OEMs under
one roof’. Another project under-
taken by the firm aims at developing
state-of-the-art dealerships for me-
dium and heavy commercial vehicle
majors in Chennai and Vellore, tak-
ing charge of all facets involved in
maintenance of the dealership.
RACE, with an employee count of
35, is backed by a strong network of
research & engineering associates
ready to deliver credible and quality
services to its customers.
“We would like to be recognized
as one of the leading and most trust-
ed project consulting firms in the au-
tomotive sector, providing reliable
data, tools and techniques which can
positively impact our customers’
business”, says Mr. Sriram, CEO,
RACE Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
“Currently we have set up a func-
tional model business center in
Chennai which is planned to be rep-
licated across major cities on a pan-
India level in the next one to two
years. Similar set-ups are planned
in the BRIC countries and in Africa,
where our team is on the look-out
for suitable, reliable and knowl-
edgeable associates”, comments Mr.
Mr. A. Afzal, Chairman & Managing Director, AB Group (left), present-
ing a bouquet to Mr. Sriram .M, CEO, RACE Innovations Pvt. Ltd. at the
inaugural of the new RACE premises
RACE is planning to have an ex-
clusive access pass to its Indian
and global clients for the RACE
library which offers informa-
tion on specific automotive ap-
plications, sectorial growth, re-
search applications and concept
engineering models which would
benefit them directly.