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April 2012
wins prestigious
Hart Energy Award
IndianOil has won the prestigious
Hart Energy Award for its contribu-
tions towards a cleaner environment.
Along with LyondellBasell, Indian
Oil has been announced as the winner
in the Refining & Energy Company
of the Year awards category at the
World Refining & FUEL conference,
“Unconventional Feedstocks & Fuels
Mandates: Operating Amid Change”
held recently in San Diego.
The Hart Energy Sr. Vice Presi-
dent, Mr. E. Kristine Klayers, speak-
ing on the occasion, observed: “For
25 years, we have identified com-
panies which have excelled in both
global energy and refining. This year,
IndianOil and LyondellBasell exem-
plify the traditions that are embodied
in this prestigious award.”
The two companies were recog-
nized for their corporate achieve-
ment in three primary categories of
cleaner environment, for producing
cleaner, higher-quality gasoline and
diesel fuel; investment and corporate
growth, with the recipients operating
with the highest international refin-
ing standards; and innovative use of
resources in diverse environments as
well as vision and ability to chart fu-
ture changes.
PetroChina, Saudi Aramco, Chev-
ron and Pemex are some of the previ-
ous winners of this energy award.
Hart Energy is a Houston-based
information provider to the world’s
energy industry. Its market-leading
publications include the Oil and Gas
Investor, E&P, FUEL and Midstream
IndianOil, ranked 98
in the For-
tune ‘Global 500’ list has been a
forerunner in the development of al-
ternative sources of energy. Its R&D
Centre has made significant contribu-
tions to the development of ethanol-
blended petrol, production of bio-
diesel from various non-edible oils
and the commissioning of hydrogen-
CNG fuel dispensing station.
The R&D division of the Corpo-
ration is the country’s foremost re-
search center for refinery process
technologies, lubricants, fuel addi-
tives, engine testing, material and en-
vironmental sciences, pipeline trans-
portation and alternative fuels.
Dr. R.K. Malhotra, Director (Research & Development), IOC
Dr. RK Malhotra, accept-
ing the award on behalf of
the Corporation, said that
some of the company’s
R&D efforts such as its in-
novative refining catalyst
technology have made sig-
nificant differences and
are a result of IndianOil’s
efforts in consistently pur-
suing excellence in inno-
vation and business proc-