Page 78 - MOTORINDIA February 2012

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February 2012
Hella technology focus on
safety & environment
The Hella brand is not new to In-
dia. Having established its presence
with manufacturing facilities nearly
five decades ago, Hella entered the
Indian market in 1959 and is cur-
rently having two subsidiary com-
panies, namely, Hella India Lighting
Ltd. (HIL) and Hella India Electron-
ics Pvt. Ltd.
Considering the current automo-
tive trend and market needs, Hella
decided to position its product port-
folio into four major zones of Safe-
ty, Style, Environment and Comfort
at Auto Expo 2012. The product
launches at the show were the ac-
celerator pedal sensors, battery sen-
sors, DCDC converter and vacuum
pumps from the electronics seg-
ment, and a comprehensive range of
safety lights.
Xenon and LED auxiliary plat-
form from Hella made its first ap-
pearance and is available across the
country now. These safety lamps
include fog, day-time running, and
light & other LED applications for
Indian car users to safeguard them-
selves from road accidents.
The first-ever fully-sealed LED
rear combination lamp for buses,
trucks, trailers and all other com-
mercial vehicles had its
first-time appearance at the
exhibition. The dark room
was a special attraction at
the show. It proved an ex-
cellent way to educate visi-
tors on the lighting technol-
ogy and its trends.
The company has planned
an investment of Euro 5
million to develop the de-
sign and manufacturing capabilities
at its locations in Dhankot and Pune.
The next step includes production
lines for body controllers, DC/DC
converters and fuel control modules.
Further capacity hike will apply to
horns and pedal sensors.
Hella applies technologies from
its global competence centers to
develop and manufacture solutions
tailored for the Indian market. Fur-
thermore, the development center
in Pune has taken over the lead for
a global body controller platform.
This will enable Hella to roll out the
new products in the other emerging
Dr. Rolf Breidenbach, CEO of Hella Germany, with Mr. R.S. Pandey, Managing
Director, Hella India Lighting Ltd., at the launch of the first full LED tail lamp for
Indian commercial vehicles at Auto Expo 2012
auto expo 2012
Hella India Electronics has
a consistent and sustain-
able growth strategy for
India. In focus are safety
and environment-related
technologies and products
which are already applied
in other major markets.