Page 125 - MOTORINDIA July 2012

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July 2012
of Force Motors in the Indian JV.
The long-term strategic invest-
ment by MAN Truck & Bus un-
derscores the immense importance
of the Indian market in the context
of its BRIC strategy. It is continu-
ing to expand the external engines
business, a strategic business area
with considerable growth potential,
and develops and produces common
rail diesel engines, which are used
in MAN trucks and buses. Other
manufacturers also use MAN en-
gines, installing them in commercial
vehicles, construction and agricul-
tural machinery, track vehicles and
In October 2011, for instance,
MAN announced the delivery of
2,188 engines to the bus manufac-
turer LIAZ, a subsidiary of Russia’s
GAZ Group. The management of
MAN Truck & Bus expects revenue
in 2012 to be on a level with the pre-
vious year. While the return on sales
will decrease slightly, the company
will continue to work on sustain-
ably increasing earnings quality in a
challenging market environment.
Long-term growth strategy
The MAN Group will continue to
pursue its profitable growth strategy
with its focus on transportation and
energy. A key part of this strategy
is international growth. MAN is sys-
tematically expanding its presence
around the globe, particularly in
the BRIC countries, as well as the
emerging economies in East Asia
and South America. Focus is also on
the expansion of after-sales opera-
tions in all business areas.
The close co-operation
among MAN, Volkswa-
gen and Scania opens up
significant potential syn-
ergies and will positive-
ly influence the growth
of the MAN Group.
Close co-operation in
manufacturing, as well
as in research and devel-
opment, offers substan-
tial potential over the long term and
the MAN Group will play an active
role in leveraging these synergies.
The first project groups have been
established and have started work-
ing on this.
It will be interesting to watch
MAN’s strategy unfold as the year
goes by, keeping in mind the dy-
namics, uncertainties and challenges
posed by various market conditions
across the globe. The company, with
new synergies and plans under its
belt, looks set to maintain its strong
growth across its various global
markets and would also be eager to
make inroads into newer territories
to further expand its global foot-
vehicle zone
Technology leadership is a
key success factor for MAN
which develops products
and solutions that meet
the needs of customers and
markets. Its focus is on re-
ducing fuel consumption
and emissions, as well as
generating energy that is
efficient, reliable, and envi-
ronmentally friendly.