Page 20 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
focus on raising
standard of Indian drivers
When Swedish giant Volvo en-
tered India in 1998, its biggest
challenge was the fact that high-
end technology commercial vehi-
cles were not common in the mar-
ket. From the very beginning, the
company realised the need for com-
petent manpower and well-trained
drivers which paved the way for
a benchmarking training centre.
Volvo has been successful in all the
markets it has entered worldwide,
thanks to certain concrete prac-
tices within the organisation. It is a
known fact that to obtain an output
a suitable input is required without
which progress would be an uphill
task. In an interview with MO-
TORINDIA, Mr. Anand Shouche,
AGM - Competence Development,
Volvo Trucks India, attributes the
company’s extensive efforts in
competence-building to Volvo’s
global success.
The Volvo driver training centre
provides a comprehensive training
package to drivers while it also in-
stils a sense of pride in them when
they take their seat in a Volvo vehi-
cle. The company also focusses on
technical training to ensure that all
drivers and technicians are abreast
with the latest technological de-
velopments in the market. The
Competence Development Center
(CDC) offers an internal train-
ing and an external training. The
former is dedicated to Volvo em-
ployees, who service and maintain
the vehicles within the company’s
network while the latter is directed
towards drivers, mechanics and
fleet managers from various cus-
tomer organisations.
On-the-job trainers
In order to have efficient com-
petence development, apart from
classroom inputs, Volvo also has
a dedicated network of on-the-job
trainers who work as an extended
arm of the CDC. While the CDC
offers specialised training to peo-
ple, the on-the-job trainers meet
the local requirements at different
places across India. Since on-the-
job trainers’ focus is on a specific
local market, they speak the native
cover story
Mr. Anand Shouche, AGM - Competence Development, Volvo Trucks India