Page 21 - MOTORINDIA May 2012

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May 2012
language and are in a better posi-
tion to service to local requirements
in the region. Currently, the train-
ers are present in 23 centres across
India, of which 13 are owned by
Volvo while 10 belong to private
dealers. The company is also in the
process of deputing one regional
competence development manager
to supervise a particular region.
Volvo seems to have hit the bull’s
eye when it comes to the basics of
training. The company believes
that providing the same inputs to
all kinds of people is not the way
forward. “We don’t give them (the
trainees) what we want to give; we
want to give them what they want.
We customise the training based
on the market requirements and as
every market is different, everyone
will not fit into the same kind of
training delivery. We create a lot of
flexibility within the system so that
we meet the precise requirements.
We don’t release our training cal-
endar for the year. Instead we have
an online portal where we provide
details of the training courses. Peo-
ple who are interested in taking up
the training block the dates conven-
ient for them and depending on the
number of nominations the training
is conducted”, said Mr. Shouche.
Overall driver development
When it comes to driver train-
ing in Volvo, it can more aptly be
called ‘driver development’ since
it focusses on overall development
of the driver. The training, with 20
per cent of theory and 80 per cent
of practical exposure, is for five
days at the end of which the driver
comes out not just enriched with
theoretical and practical aspects
cover story