Page 45 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
we decided to take over the 20%
share of our joint venture partner
and to invest in a new site. NORMA
India manufactures and provides
joining solutions to OEMs such as
automotive and industrial clients.
We manufacture fuel line assem-
blies, crankcase ventilation sys-
tems, urea lines, vent lines, clamps
and connectors to a wide range of
industries. NORMA introduced
nylon instead of steel tubes with a
view to reducing weight and emis-
sions. NORMA India now supports
several Indian and foreign OEMs
with its unique Engineered Joining
Technology providing solutions for
commercial and passenger vehi-
cles, agricultural and construction
equipment, trains, shipbuilding,
aviation, infrastructure and water
The NORMA Group in India has
been exceptional. We have grown
significantly year over year. Being a
technology-driven partner, we have
established ourselves with major
Indian OEMs within a short span of
time. Currently we are driving our
Distribution Services activities by
setting up a strong distribution net-
work that involves our distribution
centre and dealership co-operation.
Providing a uniquely wide range of
engineered joining technologies,
the group is a one-stop shop to cus-
tomers across all industries.
What is the current prod-
uct range you offer to the auto-
motive industry?
The NORMA Group offers
all product categories to the auto-
motive industry: clamp, connect
and fluid. This includes plastic fuel
lines, transmission oil cooler tube
systems and other fluid systems,
quick connectors and worm-drive
hose clips for charge air and exhaust
systems. NORMA Group prod-
uct solutions help make engines
lighter in weight and reduce assem-
bly time. Due to tighter emission
standards for the automotive indus-
try and other sectors, the demand
for the group’s engineered joining
technology is growing consistently.
These standards also apply increas-
ingly to the Indian market, which
offers considerable growth poten-
tial. The group products also help
customers to comply with tighter
emission norms (Bharat Stage V
Do you have any import-
substitution products on offer?
component zone