Page 46 - MOTORINDIA September 2012

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September 2012
NORMA India has success-
fully localized one group product
family for the Indian market by
the brand TERRY. There are a few
more products in the pipeline for
localization during Q4 2012 – Q1
What is the share of your
automotive business as between
OEMs and the aftermarket? Are
you a single source of supply for
any company?
In 2011, NORMA Group
products sold directly into passen-
ger vehicles contributed around 28
per cent of global sales. Including
commercial vehicles, indirect sales
and sales to the aftermarket, the
total contribution is estimated at
around 40 per cent.
The NORMA Group serves cus-
tomers from both automotive (pas-
senger and commercial vehicles)
and non-automotive sectors such as
agricultural and construction ma-
chinery. Our clients include Mahin-
dra & Mahindra, Fiat, Volkswagen,
Ashok Leyland, Kirloskar Group,
Cummins Engineering, M&M
Tractors, etc.
As part of our growth strategy for
the Indian market, we are also ex-
panding our distribution network.
Now wholesalers, suppliers of
spare parts to OEMs and hardware
stores in eight States have had ac-
cess to NORMA Group products.
Since December 2011, the group
has being consistently adding to its
local distribution team in order to
meet growing demand. With more
than 30 distributors, major indus-
trial regions have already been cov-
NORMA India is a single source
to customers such as VW and Fiat
for their fuel line applications.
The company is also expanding its
share of business with other OEMs
like M&M, Ashok Leyland-Nissan,
Cummins, Kirloskar, etc.
An update on the new Pune
plant. How is the work progress
and when will it be operational?
What product range will it make
and what capacities does it have?
With the new plant, the
NORMA Group is enhancing its
production capacity to keep pace
with the growing Indian market
demand for connectors and joining
elements. Production is expected
to start in October. The new plant
is expected to increase the group’s
production capacity fivefold.
How are the export pros-
pects for your products made in
India’s dynamic market of-
fers us huge growth opportunities.
Our stronger local presence
brings us closer to our clients
in India and gives us the
opportunity to meet
their individual
needs. Besides serving our local
Indian clients, we will leverage the
new plant’s capacity in order to de-
liver our joining technology solu-
tions to our customers around the
How have the last year and
the first half of this year been in
terms of numbers? Could you
give us your turnover figures and
The year 2011 was an out-
standing one for the NORMA
Group. We had set new sales and
earnings records during the year.
In the first quarter of 2012, we re-
ported a rise in sales and earnings,
thereby continuing the growth mo-
NORMA Group’s steady growth
shows that it is moving the right di-
rection and that its business model
is working most successfully. We
component zone