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July 2012
Huge French Pavilion to dominate
InnoTrans 2012 in Berlin
InnoTrans 2012, the international trade fair for trans-
port technology, being held in Berlin during September
18-21 in Berlin, will host a French Pavilion, organ-
ized by Ubifrance and the French Trade Commissions,
bringing together about 90 leading French companies
to showcase their state-of-the-art railway technologies,
including both infrastructure and rolling stock. On the
occasion, Ubifrance will also organize the second inter-
national rail and urban transport meetings on its stand
for the French companies to meet industry profession-
als and decision makers from the global railway sector
and identify business op-
portunities in international
Occupying 1,100 sq.mts.
of area and spread over
three halls, this will be the
largest international pavil-
ion at the show dedicated
to French expertise in rail-
way technology and infra-
structure. As compared to
2010, this year the number
of French exhibitors has
gone up by 13 per cent and
will represent six regions,
namely, Auvergne, Bour-
gogne, Centre, Pays de la
Loire, Nord Pas-de-Calais, and Picardie.
With participation from leading companies, SMEs
and innovation clusters, displaying their latest tech-
nologies in the field of electronics, smelting, metal-
lurgy, subcontracting, machining, paint, pneumatics
and cables, the French Pavilion will surely provide an
overview of the complete French railway industry to
the visitors.
Building on last year’s success, Ubifrance is organ-
izing the second international rail and urban transport
meetings, on September 19 and 20 at the French Pavil-
ion. The event will include workshops and B2B meet-
ings organized by French companies and technology
experts as well as decision makers from the global rail-
way industry with an aim to explore business partner-
ships. It will be followed by a reception at the Embassy
of France in Berlin bringing together the French and
German railway industry professionals.
The French railway sector is an internationally-recog-
nised centre of excellence,
providing world-class so-
lutions for all aspects of
transport, including infra-
structure, rolling stock and
engineering technologies.
The French railway indus-
try generated a turnover of
4.82 billion EUR in 2010,
including 1.65 billion EUR
in exports, showing tre-
mendous progress from the
previous year’s figures.
InnoTrans, a biennial
event in Berlin, includes a
series of exhibitions and a
business convention. The
only trade fair of its kind, each InnoTrans event attracts
more visitors than its previous editions. In 2010, some
2,250 exhibitors from 45 countries welcomed more
than 103,000 visitors. The trade show would indeed of-
fer these French companies an ideal business platform
to present their technologies and to identify new busi-
ness opportunities.